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Welcome ​to/Bienvenue à ​l’Hypnothérapie​ Ascension​ Hypnotherapy!

What if one could drink a cup of calm, of confidence, of well-being. ​Of peace, of comfort, of strength. An elixir of life! A new beginning.

Hypnotherapy is one of the most effective ways to nourish and ​reboot one’s cognitive palette, so to speak. Presenting issues such as ​anxiety, physical pain, phobias, addiction and fear can be alleviated t​hrough this technique and the best part is that each hypnotherapy s​ession is custom-made to suit your unique needs and desires. This c​lient-based therapy works to inform and equip your mind with the ​tools to self-regulate and create long-lasting changes. The process al​one is empowering, not to mention the results.

(Ceramic cup crée par

Poterie Bonmatin)

My Story

The use of the Voice, the act of Deep Listening and the art of ​providing Suggestions in various professional contexts are ​exercises I’ve been honing for the better part of 25 years. My ​name is Sienna Dahlen and my “quest” as a vocalist as well as a ​private and group instructor has always been to convey ​pertinent messages and to do so as eloquently, clearly and ​impactfully as possible. For these reasons, training to become a ​Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist seemed like a natural ​addition to what I had already been exploring in my life, with the ​extra benefit of being able to help people in new and interesting ​ways.

Hypnotherapy is an all-in-one approach that utilizes hypnosis ​to aid in the treatment of specific symptoms or conditions. ​Hypnotherapy works by inducing a deep hypnotic state that ​allows people to focus on their inner experiences, aiding one to ​Rise up out of whatever their presenting issue is.

Personally-speaking, I carried the burden of performance ​anxiety around for decades but thanks to hypnotherapy, I am ​now free of its debilitating effects.



(Price includes a 15 minute consultation call/Ce prix ​comprend un appel de consultation de 15 min.)


90 min.



1st session: 90 min.

Subsequent sessions suivantes: 45min-1h

(Price includes a 15 minute consultation call/Ce prix ​comprend un appel de consultation de 15 min.)



Two hours

People do not come into therapy to change their past, but their future” - Milton Erickson

Promos and Offers

Early Bird Discount

Sign up for either a single or multiple ​session package from now until the end of ​fall and receive a 15% discount. Une portion ​des sous iront à @refugesafe.ca une ​sanctuaire pour animaux en Estrie.

“Flow To Rise” Series

Stay tuned for updates about this online ​group series dedicated to helping people ​who suffer from some form of performance ​anxiety. Une série dédiée aux gens qui ​souffrent de l’angoise de performance.

Stay tuned for updates about this online group series where sound will be used to guide people to deep states of healing. Dans cette série, les gens se feront transporter dans les profondeurs avec l’aide des sons.

Listening Sessions

Sky, Clouds, Blue, Day, Blue Sky


Quotation Mark

I’ve been dealing with a lot of pain due to sciatica ​symptoms and Sienna’s kind and meditative ​hypnosis sessions have helped me tremendously. I ​was feeling pretty despondent and depressed due ​to my condition and inability to conduct my life as ​I’ve been used to. Her sessions have helped me to ​look forward with hope, partitioning the pain from ​my overall outlook for my day to day activities or ​lack of. I have found myself accepting of the time ​it takes to recover and just going with it.

Thank you Sienna!

Diane R.

Quotation Mark

L’Hypnothérapie telle que pratiquée par Sienna ​permet de clarifier une démarche, de tourner la page ​et d’avancer, de se débarrasser du bagage superflu, ​de panser des blessures, bref de lâcher prise. Sans ​avoir à mettre des mots sur ce qui nous retient, mais ​plutôt en le visualisant. Très efficace! Je recommande ​Sienna sans hésiter.


Dannis F.

Quotation Mark

Sienna has always brought people on a ​journey through her music and the ​journey always feels like therapy. ​Hypnotherapy with Sienna is a natural ​continuation of her existing work of inner ​exploration and discovery. Her voice ​guides you effortlessly, while her calming ​presence grounds you in the moment, ​allowing you to go deeper. It’s a trip worth ​taking.”

William C.

Hypnothérapie Ascension Hypnotherapy

Book Your Appointment


All sessions are done online via Zoom

Toutes les séances se dérouleront par Zoom

Hypnotherapy is covered in Quebec under the ​Naturopathy code and receipts can be issued for ​insurance and tax purposes.

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Office Hours

Monday to Friday

9:00 am to 6:00 pm


9:00 am to 12:00 noon

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For more information about ​Clinical Hypnotherapy/Pour plus ​d’informations sur l’Hypnose ​thérapeutique, visitez: